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Integrators & Performance Support
3rd Party, Neutral, & Confidential Support Group Hotline
HOTLINE NUMBER (Individual or Group)

The hotline number is for an individual employee or groups of employees who need(s) confidential support.  Employees want to feel supported, but they do not want to feel as if direct employer resources that have been provided for them are ultimately meant to only benefit the business while sacrificing their individual employee needs.  Employers don’t want to eventually read about themselves in negative social media or media coverage.


SaTechRo provides access to a support hotline to help prevent offended, disgruntled, disillusioned, or distracted employees during stressful workplace changes, politics, audits, or investigations.  We help prevent low employee performance and a decrease in morale.  We help the employee brainstorm appropriate solutions to solve an incident or a problem. 


When hired by an employer, while we respect and maintain the confidential identities of employees as required for an authentically neutral, emotionally safe, and private setting; we can provide incident and problem advisory services to management by informing them of where brewing tensions or future negative impacts may exist based upon call statistics and certain compiled data.  We then can suggest solutions to the business as to how to prevent them.


support group authentically neutral




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866       537      5761

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